Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hands Across the Sand May 18th

Photo: Wikimedia (Mike DelGaudio)
Simply joining hands with like-minded people can make a difference, at least that's what those that take part in Hands Across the Sand think. This global event will take place in 50 countries on Saturday May 18th when folks across the globe join hands on the beach as a symbolic statement of support of the health of our planet. The event is sponsored by both the Surfrider Foundation and the Sierra Club, among other organizations.

"Join Hands to end our dependence on dangerous, dirty fuels. Join Hands to end global warming and climate change. Join Hands to embrace Clean Energy," it says on the event's web site. "This will again be a gathering in solidarity of people all over the world who care about preserving our precious oceans, oxygen, drinking water and food from dangerous, dirty fuels. The acquisition and burning of dirty fuels are destroying the earth. Ending our dependence of dirty fuels is essential to the survival of our planet. We will join hands to say NO to dirty fuels and YES to clean energy."

For those in the San Diego area, the closest Hands Across the Sand location is the Oceanside Pier; the event takes place at noon, will last 15 minutes and specifically target offshore oil drilling. Show up early if you can.